Thursday, November 5, 2009

Summaries strike a fine balance between many aspects of writing. They introduce both supportive and opposing arguments. "Her Point Is" expects summaries of writing to be a dialogue with others who are also writing in a specific area. In this sensem summarizing is completely logical. It's a way of restating what the other person said so that others can understand. This technique is completely normal in day to day conversation. Summarizing "requires balancing what the orginal author is saying with the writer's own focus." A good summary will include the proper intent of the first author as well as the claim from the responding author.

Papers are often written by launching into a claim and what a lot of us don't realize is that we've entered into a field where there are numerous experts already there. Summarizing is also an act of respecct. It says the responding author has reviewed what was claimed or already there before he or she entered the field. It says, "I have read your claim but what about this..."

If you look at it, summarizing is a proper way of introducing a new claim. It sets the stage for new ideas while giving respect to those already in the conversation. One might say, "So and so says this...however I believe this..." It becomes a simple template that was introduced to me during English 100. And after that writers are able to hide the template format and move forward with their writing styles to free form or even their own signature style.

One of the essential things to do is to keep in mind where your arguement is going, so that it develops. But it is also imperative that the other's argument is still prominent in the reader's mind. This allows the reader to draw conclusions and compare the two ideas. It also focuses the writer who might be going off on random tangent, away from their claim.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Quick Access Ch 28, 30 and 31

Chapter 28 is telling the reader how to be organized while preparing to write a research paper. It begins by advising the reader to develop a "search strategy". These strategies outlined in the book seem to have one common goal of moving the process of searching towards a specific topic. In my opinion the Expert Method and Chaining Method are both good choices. They lead the writer or the research paper to ask questions that go deeper into their area of research. However I am under the impression that the Questioning Method is quite useless. Instead of delving deeper into the subject matter, this method only covers broad topics that relate to the area of research. Instead of going towards the core of the matter, this method seems to get at everything around the chosen topic.

The chapter continues on to describe the difference between primary sources and secondary sources. This is very useful information, because many people skip over the importance of including primary sources in their work. One thing I don't agree on is what the chapter had to say about the point of view that secondary sources might have. "However, you need to evaluate secondary sources carefully to make sure that what's being relayed to you isn't distorted or biased in the process." I would argue that statement because having a good secondary source with some spin on the topic is what a lot of papers need. Without a biased source, much of what we would consider research topic-worthy would be a waste of time, because no one could argue a side. Aren't research papers supposed to be about presenting a side to what is hopefully a controversial area? Or at least the thesis is supposed to make a claim about a controversial topic. Without a biased, there would be no different points of view to debate. So I think that including a slightly distorted source can be beneficial to a paper. However, if the statement is so distorted or warped that it loses its original meaning...well that's another story.

Chapter 30 discusses how to use the internet as a source, something that can be very tricky for most people. With the introduction of advanced technologies, students are turning away from libraries and text books; they are now headed towards the internet for their information source. What this chapter is trying to do is inform readers on how to use the internet properly so any information found on it can be a legitimate source.

The first thing people do is use search engines such as Google or Yahoo. These sites are great for starting to search for articles and journals. Students do not have any problem with using keywords or subject directories, after all they have grown up with the technology and it is nothing new to them. The problem that they run into is choosing a valid source. Many times students will turn in papers with many, if not all, internet sources. These sources often end it ".com" and that alone causes a suspicion in the reader. Websites ending in ".com" are not all bad, but students often have a hard time in distinguishing valid sources. They often will site a blog about an issue and not realize that it is not the opinion of an expert. Instead students are told to focus on web sites that end in ".gov", ".org" and ".edu". These sources have a little bit more claim to them than others because of who they are sponsored by.

I am not trying to say that one sponsor is better than the other, but students do need evaluate their sources. Blogs are not sources, instead they need to find journals or newspapers, something with merit behind them.

Chapter 31 addresses plagiarism and how to avoid it. Simply put, plagiarism is using someone else's work and taking credit for it. The chapter is taken up entirely with examples on certain types of plagiarism and ways to get around it.

I think it might be me but certain types of plagiarism seem perfectly acceptable. In cases where quotes are required, I think that makes sense, but paraphrasing or summarizing seems a bit of stretch. On page 201 the book shows how to write a correct paraphrase. What I don't get is that if you read the correct paraphrase and the unacceptable paraphrase they both have the same information. So it seems pointless to me to have a correct and incorrect way of paraphrasing if you're just going to have to cite your source anyway. After all, at the end of the paper you usually have a works cited, regardless of if you paraphrased correctly or not it still has the same information and it's still cited.

Another thing that I haven't taken a liking to is the use of ellipsis in the middle of quotes. Ellipsis (...) are used to take out phrases or sentences that aren't necessary. The problem is that some people have used ellipsis for other purposes. Some use it to make a quote mean something else entirely. For example if someone said , "The ice cream truck stopped for all the kids who wanted to buy chocolate ice cream for their parents."Instead they might include ellipsis and make the sentence say, "The ice cream truck...wanted to buy chocolate ice cream..." which is completely different form the original sentence. In that sense, anything can have a biased, so it's important to find the primary source to make sure the meaning hasn't been construed.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Writing Beyond the Portfolio Committee

After reading the Portfolio Guide I am aware of what is expected of my writing. The whole purpose of the portfolio is to determine if the writer can write with critical understanding. It deems whether we can express complex ideas or feelings in a readable form to an academic audience. It also asks that we know the difference in many styles of writing i.e. persuasive versus reflective papers. Included in the portfolio is a cover letter, it is supposed to be a written explanation of how the writer has grown and developed. Using examples out of the submitted paper, the writer must prove his or her strengths and how they were used. Bottom line, the student is supposed to pass a set standard of writing skill to move on in academic classes.

It was stated in the fifth paragraph of the Portfolio Guide, "The portfolio system enables your teacher to be a coach and editor rather than simply a judge. Rather than debate grades, instructors and students create responses to writing, thereby establishing a collaborative writing environment rather than a competitive classroom environment." If the teacher is not a standard, then the portfolio committee is. This has raised the question of what is beyond the standard of the portfolio committee? Once a student passes the committee's standards of writing are there others that we are not told about? Or does standard after that point come down to personal opinion?

Let's say that a person has passed the portfolio committee and is continuing to write for academia. If his written material is turned into a professor with certain views about writing, the student could be docked points. If the written material is publicized people choose to base worthiness on the subject and if the writing is easy to follow. In either case, the writing standard vary from reader to reader and personal opinion becomes the driving force for "good writing."

This raises the idea that one would be distracted from the real purpose of writing, to state an idea or emotion, because of the reader doesn't agree on how it was written. The whole purpose for the paper is gone. Instead I suggest that a new standard is applied even after the portfolio committee, in doing so it would create a standard that all can agree on and focus on the idea, the whole purpose of writing.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The short story, "Writing About General Apache," seems like a very pointless reflection piece. Obviously it covers a story about someone's experience but it doesn't seem like something that matters to a lot of people. It's more of an expression piece that the author produced. However, the one thing that the author leads to is that he becomes a better writer when he learns what stimulates his students. In other words, once he understands his students, he can write about them with a better quality. This article does a decent job on setting the scene and descriptions of events, but in relating it to the reader is where it lacks. Besides the one sentence claiming how the author writes quality work after understanding his student, it becomes a so what sentence. I want to know what happens before, during, and after the process, not just some little quick story to tide the reader over. I want details on what the author was going through and what he thought his student was going through. Then talk about how he was right or wrong, or if his view of the student, writing or anything else changed.

"Simplicity" is a hypocritical article. It claims that writers write in a confusing manner. It tells of how authors use big words that confuse the reader. According to the article we need to simplify our writing, bold words for an article that also struggles with long drawn out sentences and big vocabulary. A better article might be the words, "We write too much. We need to take out unnecessary aspects that impede the topic." I just summed up an entire article on simplicity in two sentences. That's the type of writing that should be done according to the article. It has great examples to back up its thesis, but no practice. The author even states that the reader may be too lazy to finish. An improvement would be to have one concise paragraph about the readers habits and continue on to why it's important to write with simplicity. This article was meant for writers in the first place, not for readers.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Learning Styles Assignment

It's entirely unrealistic to assume that a person has only one way of learning. As people, we take in information from multiple areas, using all our senses to give ourselves a better understanding of what is being taught. Some people are able to hear instructions and perform without fault, others learn visually, by using written instruction. We favor what suits us best, which varies from person to person. However, no one is strictly limited to a single way of understanding. A person inclined towards a visual method of learning can be supported by auditory instruction, for example. People who limit themselves to one style often struggle if they don't grasp a idea quickly, because they are dependent on it. However, people who process information in two or three ways are better prepared for learning, because they have more chances to grasp a concept.

In my case, I am a kinesthetic learner. I find that I remember things easily by doing them or incorporating a motion to help me remember. But I also depend on visual stimulants to supplement the learning process. In most cases, I do not rely as heavily upon reading/writing and aural methods, however, those methods might be used in certain situations when visual aid is not available.

Knowing how I learn allows me to shore up any weakness that I might have in classes. In Kinesiology 165 I know that it's better to take organized notes on the textbook and PowerPoint lectures than merely listening to the professor talk. During English 100, I will be looking through Quick Access Reference for Writers for helpful hints and rules that I can bookmark. Unless I am constantly writing, English will probably be the hardest subject to learn, because I will have to rely on visual and oral help, rather than my strength. Now that I know what I lean towards, studying becomes easier and things start to make sense.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Letter of Intoduction

My name is Stephen Allen and I am from Sacramento, CA. I came to Humboldt in order to study Kinesiology, get away from home and experience a different way of living. I have chosen to major in Kinesiology with a concentration in exercise science, primarily because I feel that health should be the foremost concern in our mind. I take living a healthy lifestyle very seriously, and it's my goal to make others aware of the benefits. Studying Kinesiology would allow me to find new ways to improve on health for myself and others around me.

English has never been my strong point, probably because I don't have enough practice at it. However I always give it my best shot and if I'm wrong, hopefully I can learn from it. The story of my writing experience is a sad one, because I never wrote anything until sophomore year of high school. I struggled through English my junior year, writing papers that were poorly put together. I found that one of my biggest weaknesses is that I do not convey my thoughts easily. In addition, I tend to add unnecessary words and half formed ideas, which makes everything confusing for the reader. My senior year was spent analyzing poetry, and I never wrote a single paper. Now, my goal is to get past that handicap and hopefully English 100 will be able to help with that.

Contrary to my feelings about writing, I thoroughly enjoy reading. Reading has always been one of my strongest skills. In the fourth grade I was reading at the level of a freshman in college and it has improved with time. To get lost in a good book is one of my greatest loves, because it's a great way to relax and take my mind off stressful thoughts.

In addition to my odd relationship with reading and writing, my views concerning English are mixed. On one level I feel that it's a crucial element in sharing ideas or furthering an education. There are many benefits to using proper English. One can show an employer how much he or she knows and the how they will benefit the company, for example. It is crucial that we can communicate and share thoughts. But at the same time I feel that deep involvement in the subject is not necessary. Much of the general population is not concerned about structure or grammar. I feel that it is useful, but not crucial, to living everyday life. As long as one is able to communicate accurately their thoughts to another, I am not sure why deep study in this subject is essential. Whether it be required by a college, high school or work, the ideas are more important than how it's said or written.

I'm a determined person and despite my feelings about English, I will try my best because that's the only way to improve.